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Un monde Un pouce
Tour du monde en autostop
Par Brieuc de Saint-Aulaire
For a Child Smile (FCS)
Created in 1995 by Mr and Ms des Paillères, FCS has the finality to rescue Cambodian Child of the garbage dump, the streets, the violence... to give them a scolarity and a job.
Three years ago, I worked during one month as a volunteer in Cambodia. For the 60 volunteers of the summer camp, the goal is to organise each August days of the child :
- Spotives activities
- Preparation of the meals
- Creatives activities
- Teams games...
To share my travel with these Cambodian child, I decided to create a geographic game. In this way, during
their extracurricular activties, they will have the possibility to learn about the world. Moreover, I will share
with them my pictures and videos and they will have to the possibility to send me questions via my website.
At least, I also want to sell pictures va this website and the collected money will serve to finance the FCS's
summer camp for 55 child !
As a passonate of photography, I also want to do a photo reportage called : "See, understand and do not forget"
The Seventh Continent
As a passionnate of sailing and seas environmement, being engage for the ecologics problems linked to the
oceans and seas seems evident.
"The Seventh Continent" is the given name to a huge space of waste of 3.5 billions of square kilometer
in the Pacific Ocean between Calofornie and Hawai. Indeed, humans activities use to create rubbishes
(plastic, paper...) who are naturally transported in the seas and are embroiled by the seas currents in a
same area : the "Seventh Continent".
Durng my travel, I will work to realise :
- Many interventions in schools of underdeveloped countries to raise awareness the youngs spitits.
- A photo reportage called "RESPECTE YOUR SEA" with an interview of a specialist of ecologics damages.
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